英文名称:Normal Human Corneal Epithelial Cells (HCEC),
≥ 5 x 10^5 cells
Lifeline® normal Human Corneal Epithelial Cells (HCEC), when grown in Lifeline® OcuLife™ Medium, provide an ideal serum-free culture model for many areas of research. Common uses of HCEC are cell-matrix interactions, gene regulation and tissue development, drug development, and validation of alternative methods in toxicology.
Our HCEC are quality tested in OcuLife™ Medium to ensure optimal morphology and growth over a period of at least three passages.
Lifeline® HCEC are not exposed to antimicrobials or phenol red when cultured in OcuLife™ Medium, an advantage since these supplements can cause cell stress and “masking effects” that may negatively impact experimental results. Lifeline® offers these traditional supplements, but they aren’t recommended or needed to achieve optimal cell performance in most research applications.
500,000 cells per vial